Monday, March 6, 2023

Recently taken up plain air painting

 I have recently taken up plain aire painting with a local group who meets in various locations around Saint Louis, MO. Last week we painted at Queen Park, and before that it was Forest Park a few weeks prior.

So many of the artists in that group are very dedicated. I should say that they all appear to be. It is a certain type of discipline to get up on Saturday morning at 8:00 am or earlier and commence to painting. For me, I am using acrylic at the moment, but for others it is generally oil. Perhaps if I can get a setup together that allows me to paint while letting the small paintings cure in my car trunk, that will allow me to do it. I just don't like oil paintings curing in my home because of ventilation issues.

For the time being, the plain aire painters have been very encouraging and helpful. One in particular a Gino, who is very knowledgeable, has helped set me up with a good portable easel. I was formerly just using a collapsible camping  chair with side pockets.

Next week, I may be standing. I found this GEEKOTO portable tripod for relatively not too much. This should do the job with my setup for the near future.

We shall see how it works out. I hear they have scheduled to paint at Bee Tree Park next week. I suppose I could head out there mid-week and get some preliminary studies and block in a composition to finish with the others next week. They do often seem to do one location multiple weeks in a row.

About the Artist

 Brian Anderson is an artist based in Saint Louis, MO. He enjoys painting a variety of subjects from life including, painting the outdoors, portraits, urban sketching city scenes, and also a variety of abstractions. 

Much of his work begins documented in sketchbooks and forms a sort of journal of events and happenings that weave the fabric of life and hold experience together. Sometimes, the sketchbooks are a mix of real experience and fanciful imagination.

From these notes and sketches, finished works are produced and can be seen here on this site or in offline gallery showings. Watch for upcoming show announcements and updated works here.